Candle Cove Wiki
Candle Cove Wiki

The Coral Reefers are a species of elemental creatures, in this case coral-like humanoids. They inhabit various coral reefs, desert islands and beaches around Candle Cove.


Being one of the smallest elemental species, the Coral Reefers are coral pieces with crab-like legs and an anemone for head. Their two blue eyes can be seen within the tentacles of the anemone. Their size is variable, but they are never bigger than an average human's hand.

It is unknown if they are sexually dimorphic, since all of them are practically equal in appearance. It is possible that they are genderless, and asexual.


Coral Reefers eat fish and crabs near their territory. It is for this reason that some sailors often notice that the animals "disappear" near the fishing areas. They are also aggressive against humans. It is probable that these creatures only attack in groups, since their size and physical weakness does not seem to give them any other alternative. 

No one knows if they talk underwater, but when they are forced to stay out of water or when they are crushed, they make disturbing human-like noises.


  • In the episode "The New Ship", they tried to eat Poppy's arm when he was sitting near the water. However, they were weak enough to allow Poppy to smash them in the sand with ease.