Candle Cove Wiki
Candle Cove Wiki

The Malguins are giant penguin-like creatures, possibly from the Abyssal Kingdom. Their true origins have never been confirmed.


Malguins are not physical beings, but rather the manifestations of negative emotions. Since they are not completely solid, they are very difficult to harm. Their movements are shown to be quite slow and stiff.

They tend to be "blurrier" when they are based in vague thoughts or sadistic fantasies of a person. The more concentrated the emotion is, less abstract a Malguin becomes. For example, Malguins made out of pure hatred are almost as solid as any living creature.

It is speculated that when a considerable number of Malguins come together, they blend into gigantic clouds of darkness and move around the ocean as common storms. If these storms come across a person who is sad, they can tempt that person to commit suicide or fall into depression.


